Betty Ehart Renovations and HVAC Replacement The Betty Ehart Senior Center requires renovations, improvements, and adaptations that are consistentwith those of an aging building with 26 years of operation.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) The Los Alamos County EOC is responsible for carrying out the principles of emergency preparedness and emergency management, or disaster management at a strategic level during an emergency and ensuring the continuity of operations for Los Alamos County. This project and location were assessed based on these responsibilities.
Fire Station 4 Replacement: Site Selection An evaluation of three proposed sites as the location for the new replacement Fire Station 4. Architectural services include site evaluation, schematic design. Upon the selection of a site, the subsequent phase is the design development, construction documents, bidding, and construction administration of the replacement fire station.
Golf Course Pole and Netting Project Current Updates See the current status of the Golf Course Pole and Netting Project , including construction updates and impacts on the public.
Golf Course Practice Range Pole and Netting Project The scope of work includes the installation of poles and netting to address safety at the golf course driving range.
Ice Rink Temporary Chiller Los Alamos County has contracted with American Arena LLC to install a rented temporary chiller that will enable the ice rink to offer a regular skating season.
Los Alamos Airport Fuel Farm This project included in the 2013 LAM Airport Master Plan. Design includes the construction & installation of two 12,000-gallon above ground steel double-walled fuel storage tanks for aviation jet fuel & aviation gasoline and all necessary site work, traffic control management, utility infrastructure & connections, storm water management, spill containment & emergency shut-offs.
Los Alamos Airport Fuel Farm Current Updates See the current status of the Los Alamos Airport Fuel Farm including construction updates and impacts on the public.
Los Alamos Little Theater Abatement and Fire Suppression The purpose of this project is to plan, design, and install Fire Suppression System and to include upgrades or replacements of related plumbing and electrical systems.
Mesa Public Library Siding Replacement The Mesa Public Library building, constructed in 1994, has been a cornerstone of the Los Alamos community for over three decades. Over this period, the building’s siding has been exposed to various weather conditions. This exposure has caused significant fading and deterioration, prompting the need for a replacement.
White Rock Visitor Center Outdoor Bathrooms Construction of outdoor restrooms and pavilion facilities at the White Rock Visitor Center.
Women's Dormitory Building Renovations Rehabilitate the historic Women's Dormitory Building to accommodate offices for the National Parks Office while adhering to the U.S. Department of Interior and State Historic Preservation standards.