Check out these resources to help you find ways to save energy, money, and make proactive changes to impact climate change!
ENERGY STAR certified products can help you save energy.
Energy Star Resources, Tips, and Information
Actions for a healthy planet
United Nations 10 Actions
National Park Service - Mitigating the Cause
Though adapting to climate change is the core of National Park Service (NPS) strategy, it is far easier and more cost effective to prevent aspects of climate change from happening in the first place than to manage their effects. The NPS recognizes that many of our activities, decisions, and plans have impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and storage. Therefore, responding to climate change begins with limiting our own emissions and incorporating climate-friendly practices into our management and culture.
NPS Mitigating the Cause
EPA - Greener Living
Greener Living Resources and Calculators
Organic Food Scorecards