Traffic & Streets projects for the week of September 16, 2024:
Los Alamos County Traffic & Streets Division staff manages the projects listed in this section. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Call Daniel Blea, Traffic and Streets Manager, for concerns 505-662-8112.
Replace hardware on 50 water valves in the Quemazon subdivision
DPU’s water crews are proactively replacing the hardware on 50 water valves in Quemazon before this winter to mitigate water line breaks in the area. DPU crews will work on weekends until all 50 are repaired.
Traffic and Streets Crews will be making concrete and asphalt repairs after each repair. Crews will temporarily close sidewalks for repairs, place orange barrels in the road over manholes to allow them to cure. This should not have a huge impact to traffic. Moving flagging operations will be in place if needed. Work hours will be 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.
Read DPU's August 6, 2024 press release for more details.
Diamond Drive Pavement Preservation Continues
Traffic & Streets, in coordination with Dismuke Contractors, are planning to perform pavement preservation (crack sealing) on Diamond Drive. To minimize disruption to the travelling public, this work will continue until completed.
Crews will resume work on Monday, Sept. 16, during the day, weather permitting, and will seal cracks along Diamond Drive in a mobile work zone approximately 100 feet in length between Trinity Drive and the roundabout at North Mesa, alternating on both sides of the road. Lane reductions with traffic control devices will be in place at the work zone, but two-way traffic along Diamond will be maintained at all times. Bicyclists may need to share lanes with vehicles in the work zone.
If you have questions, please call Daniel Campos at 505-500-7321.
County Owned Parking Lot Striping Continues
San Bar, under contract with the County, will continue striping County-owned parking lots beginning Monday, Sept. 9. Traffic and Streets will coordinate with each building occupant(s) to provide notice to employees and the public when the striping will occur. Work will begin each day at 6 a.m. and continue until completed.
Monday, Sept. 16, they will stripe the Eco Station parking lot and re-striping the directional arrows.
Saturday, Sept. 21, they will strip the Municipal Building parking lot.
Sunday, Sept. 22, they will stripe the Aquatic Center parking lot.
For more information regarding this project, please contact Anthony Lucero, Lead Signs and Markings Tech III at 505-695-3671.
Restricted Parking Area Striping Continues
San Bar, under contract with the County, will be painting restricted parking areas countywide, including no-parking curbs and restricted-parking curbs. We ask that motorists, pedestrians, and bicycle traffic avoid the work zones. The impact on vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic will be limited and intermittent. For more information, contact Anthony Lucero, Lead Signs, and Markings Tech III, at 505-709-3671.
Asphalt Paving on 45th St. between Yucca Street and Alabama Ave. continues
Traffic and Streets crews will continue paving a section of 45th St. between Yucca and Alabama. They will close one lane at a time and have a flagging operation in place to direct traffic through the work zone. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily until the project is completed.