Full-time regular employee: An employee who performs a basic work period of 40 hours per work week.
Part-time regular employee: An employee who performs at least a 20 hour basic work period but less than a 40 hour basic work period per work week.
Temporary employee: An employee appointed to a position established for a period not to exceed six months. There are two temporary employment seasons: April 1 through September 30 and July 1 through December 31.
Casual employee: An employee who normally performs less than twenty hours of scheduled work within a basic work period of 40 hours per work week.
Limited-term employee: An employee whose employment term is for a continuous, fixed period of time for a duration of at least six months and normally less than one year. The employee works a basic work period of 40 hours per work week. The term of employment may be measured by the completion of a specific activity, not necessarily by an ending date, and is completely reliant upon the division's need for the position.