Who must obtain a business registration with Los Alamos County?
Any person, corporation, partnership, or similar business enterprise that is required to pay gross receipts taxes in Los Alamos.
What are gross receipt taxes?
Gross receipt tax is a tax on the sale of goods and services. It is similar to a sales tax, but the tax is levied on the seller and not on the buyer. For more information, call the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at (505) 827-0832.
How do I know if I need to pay gross receipts tax in Los Alamos County?
All gross receipts tax related questions are answered by the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at (505) 827-0832.
Can I obtain small business assistance in Los Alamos?
Yes. The Los Alamos Commerce and Development Corporation provides small business consulting through its Small Business Center located behind the Post Office. For more information or to set up an appointment with a business consultant, call (505) 662-0001.
What is a CRS number?
A Combined Reporting System (CRS) identification number is required by the State of New Mexico to file gross receipts taxes. The County will not accept any application for a business registration/license without the CRS number. For more information call the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department at (505) 827-0832.
How do I obtain a CRS number?
A CRS number is obtained from the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department in Santa Fe located at the corner of St. Francis and Cordova near the former Wild Oats Food Market. Forms can be ordered by calling the State Taxation and Revenue Department at (505) 827-0951.
What is the difference between a business registration and license?
The County Code outlines what a business registration and license are.
Briefly, the Code lists the types of businesses that are required to obtain a business license within Los Alamos and includes businesses such as lodging, food establishments, solicitors, and massage therapists. The fees for most licenses range from $35.00 to $50.00 per calendar year.
Home occupations require a business license or a business registration. Examples of licensed home occupations include bed and breakfasts and massage therapists.
If you require a business license, visit the business license page for more information as well as an application.