Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Image showing a drop of water with CO2 in it and surrounded by icons from emissions sources such as transportation, electricity, trash

Los Alamos County is creating an official plan will help achieve the County Council’s strategic goal of Environmental Stewardship and keep Los Alamos County on target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. 


2024 Jul 09 - Aug 09 at 11:59 p.m.: Los Alamos County and Cascadia are accepting comments on the DRAFT Climate action plan.  Visit to leave your comments.  Need assistance?  We've recorded some instructions on how to leave your comments. 


2024 Jul 09: Los Alamos County's consultant Cascadia presented the DRAFT Climate Action Plan to the County Council.  Watch the July 9th council meeting.  

2024 Apr 02: Los Alamos County held a interactive Community Workshop regarding the Climate Action Plan (what actions and strategies should be included in the development of the draft Plan). Download the meeting summary notes(PDF, 760KB), the April 2, 2024 PowerPoint presentation(PDF, 3MB).


2024 Mar 05:  View the recorded video of Cascadia's presentation to the County Council.  Download the PowerPoint presentation(PDF, 5MB) on the findings of the recently completed greenhouse gas inventory that analyzed the sources and levels of greenhouse gases emitted(PDF, 1MB)  within the county and the possible actions and strategies(PDF, 706KB) that may need to be added to the Climate Actions Plan to achieve the council goals. 

2023 Dec: Read the GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INVENTORY (Los Alamos Greenhouse Gas Study)


Funds to conduct a comprehensive study to determine our current greenhouse gas emissions were adopted in the FY 2023 and 2024 budgets. The results will allow us to determine our baseline and establish reduction targets.

In June 2023, we entered into a contract with Cascadia Consulting Group. The team met in late June to kickoff the project frame work, timeline, goals and the public engagement component.

A study to determine the community’s greenhouse gas baseline kicked off June 2023.

An overview was presented to County Council at the August 22, 2023 council meeting on how this project will proceed, including the public and stakeholder feedback element. The findings will then be incorporated into a subsequent climate action plan.

The final Climate Action Plan will be completed in 16 months or by October 2024. Creating an official plan will help achieve the County Council’s strategic goal of Environmental Stewardship and keep Los Alamos County on target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

As the project progresses, we will share information on this webpage.


CAP What is our planning process image including inventory and analyses in summer-fall 2023, strategies and actions winter-spring 2024, draft plan spring-summer 2024, and gathering input summer 2023 to spring 2024

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Do you know what your carbon footprint looks like? Try out this calculator through UC Berkley!

Cool Climate Carbon Footprint Calculator


The Los Alamos Resiliency Energy & Sustainability Task Force (LARES) task force (comprising 20 citizens, seven councilors, and support from more than 14 county staff members) conducted a year-long intensive study, resulting in a final report(PDF, 28MB) presented to councilors on February 22, 2022.

The 200-page final report contained numerous recommendations to reduce the county’s carbon footprint and enhance sustainability. Two recommendations, strongly endorsed by the task force, was the need to begin with:

  • A study to determine baseline greenhouse gas emissions from which the county could set reduction targets and measure progress, and A strategic climate action plan that incorporates the findings from the greenhouse gas emissions study and identifies climate mitigation strategies.
  • Los Alamos County Councilors agreed and, in less than one month, authorized a budget revision to perform these services. Staff immediately began working on the procurement process, including developing the scope of work, reviewing six proposals, finalizing this agreement, and returning to the council for approval. On May 23, 2023, a services agreement between Los Alamos County and Cascadia Consulting Group was approved, and the first-ever Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study and Climate Action Plan kicked off on June 7.

Why a Climate Action Plan image giving four examples, includeing improved quality of life and public health, resilient community, cost savings, and environmental preservation 3.20.36 PM.png