County to Host Town Hall for East Downtown Los Alamos MRA

Published on June 06, 2024


Los Alamos County is holding a town hall meeting on June 27, 2024, at Fuller Lodge, starting at 6:30 p.m., to discuss next steps in developing the East Downtown Los Alamos Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA) plan. This initiative aims to address issues like vacant properties, low commercial activity, and deteriorating infrastructure. The town hall provides an opportunity for community members to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide valuable input on the project.

The MRA Plan will identify community-supported projects, programs and policies to address identified issues and revitalize the designated area in downtown Los Alamos. The MRA Plan adheres to the New Mexico Metropolitan Redevelopment Code, enabling cities and counties to overcome development barriers through public-private partnerships.

Initial assessments in May and December 2023 documented the area's conditions, identifying characteristics that make the area eligible for MRA designation. Since late 2018, Los Alamos MainStreet has engaged with local businesses and property owners about the MRA zone's benefits. At the request of the County and Los Alamos MainStreet, New Mexico MainStreet Revitalization Specialists are assisting in the designation and planning process. The proposed East Downtown Los Alamos MRA boundary was presented and adopted by resolution at the County Council meeting on May 7, 2024.

Los Alamos County encourages residents to participate in the town hall and share their views. For more information, contact Paul Andrus at, or Sobia Sayeda at Learn more about the project and future opportunities to participate in the planning process at

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