Fire Marshal's Office

Code Book

The Fire Marshal’s office provides programmatic oversight for incident reporting, new and existing building inspections, fire investigations, code enforcement, plan reviews, fire suppression/detection system inspection, and public awareness.

Fire Marshal

James Pepe, Division Chief


The mission of the Los Alamos County Fire and Life Safety Management Division is to develop, maintain, and provide fire prevention and code enforcement for the preservation of life, safety, property and environment for the citizens of Los Alamos County.

Los Alamos Fire Department has adopted 2021 International Fire Code and all reference standards.

Today's Fire Danger

To check fire weather warnings issued for Los Alamos by the National Weather Service (NWS) to determine if our area is in elevated fire danger please use the following link:

NOAA Los Alamos Weather Conditions

For Santa Fe National Forest Fire Danger level, alerts and restrictions, click the link:

Santa Fe National Forest Alerts & Restrictions 


Contractor Guide
The purpose of this booklet is provide information regarding frequently asked questions pertaining to the requirements of contractors responsible for the construction, alteration, or demolition of buildings.

Plan Review


Address placement

Approved Fire Protection Contractors with state of NM - Certificate of Fitness(PDF, 208KB)





Plan Review/Permitting

Plan Review

Plan reviews for commercial construction are to be submitted through the Community Development Department (CDD). Plan Review submissions specifically for fire suppression and detection systems can be turned directly in to the Fire Marshal’s Office. Three (3) copies or an electronic/ digital of all detection/suppression plans are required, one stamped set to be on-site at all times during construction, one to be kept with the building owner and one to be kept with the Fire Marshal’s Office. Plans should be submitted with applicable checklist/forms/documents found under the Permit Submission tab below. All submitted plans must be stamped by a current New Mexico Professional Engineer and minimum of a NICET III or above. 

All suppression/detection systems must be installed and maintained by companies that have an active Certificate of Fitness with the State of New Mexico Fire Marshal's Office.

Pre-Application meetings may be scheduled with the Building Official, Fire Marshal, CDD official and any other county official necessary to provide guidance for the new business owner prior to plan submittal. Pre-Application meetings should be scheduled through CDD (505-662-8120).


Permitting is accomplished in a collaborative effort with the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Fire Marshal’s Office. Permits need to be obtained for building construction and remodels, fire suppression/detection systems, hoods for commercial cooking operations, blasting operations, demolition operations, open burning in Pajarito Acres/La Senda (open burning is not allowed in any other areas), elevator construction, etc. Los Alamos County's adopted fire code is 2021 International Fire Code and all referenced Standards from Chapter 80.

Los Alamos Municipal Code

Fire Investigations

Fire Investigations

The Los Alamos Fire Department utilizes a Fire Investigation Team comprised of 12 to 15 certified members of LAFD staff to provide investigations for structure fires, vehicle fires, and wildland/vegetation fires. LAFD works in conjunction with the Los Alamos Police Department, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s Office, and other entities to provide thorough investigations including evidence collection, fire cause determination, and legal documentation for intentional and unintentional fires. The Fire Investigation Team provides services to the community of Los Alamos, the Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).

After the Fire Booklet:

English(PDF, 794KB)

Spanish(PDF, 613KB)

LAFD-FMO Report a Fire Code Complaint or Concern

If you are concerned about a potential fire and life safety violation, or want to report a hazard, you have a few choices. You can fill out our online form which is attached below, or print and fill out the form then choose to either mail or drop off the form to:

LAFD-FMO Report a Fire Code Complaint or Concern(PDF, 717KB)

Mail or Drop off:

Attention to: Fire Marshal

Los Alamos Fire Department – Fire Marshal’s Office

999 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM 87544


Email to:


Or you can call to discuss your concern and or leave a message at 505-662-8305 Fire Marshal’s Office Desk.

The Fire Marshal’s office logs and investigates every complaint received and provides the complainant with follow-up if contact information is filled-out. By completing this portion of the form it also allows the Fire Marshal to ask questions to gather information, however, complaints can also be made in an anonymous manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

 - Does the Los Alamos Fire Department take old/ expired fire extinguishers?

The fire department does not take fire extinguishers, but the ECO station will take empty fire extinguishers.

- Does the Los Alamos Fire Department refill fire extinguisher?

The fire department does not refill fire extinguishers.


Business Inspection Checklist

The Fire Marshal is responsible for conducting Commercial Business Building Inspections

Inspection Form Codes

(1) Building Characteristics. Identify possible hazards, obstructions, and or impediments to safe building evacuation.
(2) FDC. Ensure FDC is clear and accessible for use. Document and report any malfunctions or vandalism.
(3) Number of Means of Egress. Ensure number of available exits is appropriate, occupancies with an occupant load over 50 require at least 2 remotely located exits.
(4) Unobstructed Egress. In every occupied building or structure, means of egress from all parts of the building shall be maintained free and unobstructed.
(5) Awareness of Egress System. Every exit shall be clearly visible, or the route to reach every exit shall be conspicuously indicated.
(6) Emergency Lighting. Emergency lighting facilities for means of egress shall be provided to illuminate exit egress pathway. (Amount of light should be equal to the amount produced by a full moon.)
(7) Exits. Exits shall be marked by an approved sign that is readily visible from any direction of exit access.
(8) Exit Access Corridors. Ensure proper corridor width, travel distance and elimination of obstructions.
(9) Vertical/Horizontal Openings. Ensure fire/smoke rating of building structure is not compromised by utility conduit or other penetrations.
(10)Monthly check of fire extinguisher shall be conducted by Owner/Occupant. This check is a basic overall condition check of unit and its reliability. Monthly checks shall be conducted and recorded.
(11)Annual service is generally contract ed out to a fire equipment servicing agency with proper training, manuals, tools, re-charge materials, lubricants, and manufactures recommended replacement parts on an annual basis. Annual service of fire extinguisher shall be conducted and recorded.
(12) Sprinkler System Inspection. Quarterly inspections of sprinkler system and riser shall be conducted and recorded. Sprinkler heads shall NOT be painted, corroded or covered.
(13) Occupant Notification. Fire alarms shall have an annual service inspection, be free of defect, and operating.
(14) Fire Department Notification Emergency forces notification shall be provided to alert the fire department of fire or other emergency. This may require a dialer or written procedures to call 911.
(15)Protection from any area having a degree of hazard greater than that normal to the general occupancy of the building or structure shall be provided by one of the following means:
(1) Enclosing the area with a fire barrier of 1-hr fire resistance rating.
(2) Protecting the area with automatic extinguishing systems.
(16)The storage and handling of flammable liquids or gases shall be in accordance with the following applicable standards:
(1) NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
(2) NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code
(3) NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
(17) Emergency Drills. Emergency egress and relocation drills, where required, shall be held with sufficient frequency to familiarize occupants with the drill procedure and to establish conduct of the drill as a matter of routine.
(18) Employee safety training and Emergency plans shall include the following:
(1) Procedures for reporting of emergencies
(2) Occupant and staff response to emergencies
(3) Design and conduct of fire drills
(4) Type and coverage of building fire protection systems
(5) Other items required by the authority having jurisdiction
(6) Emergency plans shall be reviewed and updated as required by the authority having jurisdiction.
(19)Extension cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring.
(20) Multiplug Adapters. Multiplug adapters, such as multiplug extension cords, cube adapters, strip plugs, and other devices, shall be listed and used in accordance with their listing. (No “daisy chaining” together with extension cords or additional adaptors.)
A building shall be considered to be occupied at any time it is open for general occupancy, any time it is open to the public, or at any other time it is occupied by more than 10 persons.
Assembly Occupancy. An occupancy (1) used for a gathering of 50 or more persons for deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, awaiting transportation, or similar uses; or (2) used as a special amusement building, regardless of occupant load.
Educational Occupancy. An occupancy used for educational purposes through the twelfth grade by six or more persons for 4 or more hours per day or more than 12 hours per week.
Day-Care Occupancy. An occupancy in which four or more clients receive care, maintenance, and supervision, by other than their relatives or legal guardians, for less than 24 hours per day.
Health Care Occupancy. An occupancy used for purposes of medical or other treatment or care of four or more persons where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation due to age, physical or mental disability, or because of security measures not under the occupants’ control.
Detention and Correctional Occupancy.
An occupancy used to house four or more persons under varied degrees of restraint or security where such occupants are mostly incapable of self-preservation because of security measures not under the occupants’ control.
Residential Occupancy. An occupancy that provides sleeping accommodations for purposes other than health care or detention and correctional.
One- and Two-Family Dwelling Unit. A building that contains not more than two dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities.
Lodging or Rooming House. A building or portion thereof that does not qualify as a one- or two-family dwelling, that provides sleeping accommodations for a total of 16 or fewer people on a transient or permanent basis, without personal care services, with or without meals, but without separate cooking facilities for individual occupants.
Hotel.A building or groups of buildings under the same management in which there are sleeping accommodations for more than 16 persons and primarily used by transients for lodging with or without meals.
Apartment Building. A building or portion thereof containing three or more dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities.
Residential Board and Care Occupancy. A building or portion thereof that is used for lodging and boarding of four or more residents, not related by blood or marriage to the owners or operators, for the purpose of providing personal care services.
Mercantile Occupancy. An occupancy used for the display and sale of merchandise.
Business Occupancy. An occupancy used for account and record keeping or the transaction of business other than mercantile.
Industrial Occupancy. An occupancy in which products are manufactured or in which processing, assembling, mixing, packaging, finishing, decorating, or repair operations are conducted.
Storage Occupancy. An occupancy used primarily for the storage or sheltering of goods, merchandise, products, vehicles, or animals.
Classification of Hazard of Contents.
The hazard of contents of any building or structure shall be classified as low, ordinary, or high.
- Low Hazard. Low hazard contents shall be classified as those of such low combustibility that no self-propagating fire therein can occur.
- Ordinary Hazard. Ordinary hazard contents shall be classified as those that are likely to burn with moderate rapidity or to give off a considerable volume of smoke.
- High Hazard. High hazard contents shall be classified as those that are likely to burn with extreme rapidity or from which explosions are likely.


Los Alamos County Adopted Fire Codes

Los Alamos County, New Mexico - Code of Ordinances - Chapter 22 - FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION

Los Alamos Fire Department has adopted 2021 International Fire Code and all reference standards.




Department Head

James Pepe