October Council meetings relocate to White Rock

Published on September 30, 2024

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Due to the General Election early voting planned in the Council Chambers, officials with Los Alamos County announced that the Los Alamos County Council meetings will be temporarily relocated to the White Rock Fire Station 3 located at 129 State Road 4.

The meeting dates affected are October 8, 22, and 29. Council meetings will resume in the Municipal Building’s Council Chambers, 1000 Central Ave. on November 12, after the November 5 election. All meetings are held at 6 p.m., and a Zoom option is offered for remote participation (Zoom Link). Agendas are available online 72 hours before the scheduled meeting at losalamos.legistar.com. Use the filter options to select the desired meeting.

Officials also remind community members of the new eComment tool. Interested individuals can leave comments on council agenda items online until noon on the day of the meeting once the agenda is published. All comments become part of the public record.  Visit the County’s webpage to learn more.

For more information, please contact the County Manager's office at 505.663.1750.

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