Ready, Set, Go

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The geography, weather patterns and number of Wildland Urban Interface communities in New Mexico make it a state particularly threatened by devastating wildfire. As catastrophic wildfires continue to increase each year in New Mexico, make sure to protect yourself and your family –plan, prepare and stay aware. Property owners and residents in areas most at risk are encouraged to take the steps in LAFD FIRE “Ready, Set, Go!” to be ready for wildfire. Get prepared for wildfire before it strikes by following Ready, Set, Go!

(Download a pdf version of the Ready, Set, Go! Wildland Fire Action Guide(PDF, 2MB)  for more information and checklists.) 



Saving Lives and Property through Advanced Planning and Action

It takes a combination of Home Hardening and Defensible Space to give your house the best chance of surviving a wildfire.

Actions to get you started for Hardening your home:

  • Use or install fire ignition-resistant materials around your home.

  • Remove vegetation or debris from your roof, vents, windows, deck and gutters.

  • Inspect home for dry rot, gaps or cracks. Caulk gaps greater than 1/8-inch.

  • For more Home Hardening actions, click the button below.

Actions to get you started for Creating Defensible Space :

  • Create and maintain the required 100 feet of Defensible Space.

  • Cut or mow annual grass down to a maximum height of four inches.

  • Ensure all combustible materials are located 30 feet away from your home.

  • For more Defensible Space actions, click the button below.