Go Green and sign up for ENotices Online
The Los Alamos County Assessor’s Office offers electronic eNoticesOnline for your Notice of Value statement.
Using this service is ecofriendly, convenient, and easy to use, and is completely optional. This program allows a property owner to receive their tax and valuation notices via email instead of by regular mail. As an added benefit, the website will have a repository of all the notices sent this way for future access by the property owner. Each owner that signs up will have a separate and distinct account. This is a convenient way to receive notices and have easy access to those notices at any time, day or night. This service is received through our vendor Master’s Touch LLC.
Note: You are registering for paperless statements when you register at eNoticeOnline.com. It will be your responsibility to keep your email address up to date or you will automatically return to paper.
If you have more eNoticesOnline authorization codes to enter, log into your account and go to My Account then New Authorization Code and enter any remaining codes you may have. This will allow you to view all of your statements with the one eNoticeOnline account.