Our Designated Custodian of Records is Barbara Ricci. She and her staff plan, control, direct, organize, train, and promote the activities involved with respect to the creation, organization, storage, retrieval, movement and destruction of Los Alamos County government records in accordance with Section 14-3-18 NMSA, 1978.
In addition to these duties, Barbara Ricci's staff oversees and administers requests to inspect public records.
Inspect Public Records
The Records Management staff are capable of making available millions of documents within minutes of a request.
Records are the evidence of what the County does; they represent proof of existence and become the foundation of decisions made in the past, present and future. As a local government entity, Los Alamos County is responsible to be good stewards of the information and records regardless of the medium or characteristics. It is the responsibility of the Records Management Division to ensure that the lifecycle of all records comply with state rules and statutes and are properly maintained for as long as required based upon New Mexico Commission of Public Records, State Retention Rules. It is our mission to provide access to our customers with the utmost integrity towards transparency and accountability by providing the following services:
- Record Processing
- Retention
- Proper Disposition
- Transparency
- E-Discovery
- Accessibility
- Accountability
- Protection
- Compliance
- Storage
- Tracking
- Business Continuity
- Consultation and Training