Winter utility disconnection rule updated

Published on September 26, 2024

Piggy bank with a warm hat

The Board of Public Utilities adopted a change to the rule regarding utility disconnection during winter months at its September 18 meeting. Rule GR 13.06 now clearly identifies which customers are eligible for protection from utility service disconnection between November 15 and March 15.

The updated rule states that to qualify for the winter disconnection moratorium of the Los Alamos Department of Public Utilities (DPU), residential customers must either provide DPU with proof of LIHEAP eligibility or meet eligibility for DPU’s Utility Assistance Program (UAP). Eligibility for the UAP excludes applications for one-time assistance. LIHEAP is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program that is administered through the New Mexico Health Care Authority.

Anyone with a past due utilities account balance on November 15 is not eligible for disconnection protection unless they have a current pay arrangement with DPU for those outstanding charges.

The changes to Rule GR 13.06 were made to align the rule with those of the state, which are income based.

Anyone wishing to read Rule GR 13.06 or learn more about UAP may visit For additional information, contact the Los Alamos County Customer Care Center at (505) 662-8333 or